Wednesday, August 14, 2013

moving in (& adjusting to) my A5 Kikki.K planner

Hello lovelies,
As many of you might realize, I've recently become obsessed with Kikki.K. I bought a new A5 Time Planner from their website about a week ago. When it arrived I was ecstatic. Just look at it! It's so lush. 
 Of course I had to show you all my recent layouts inside it - because I love it so! The only "problem" - if you can call it that - is the size. I adore how big the rings are and how much room I have to write as opposed to my Personal Filofax Finsbury(s), but it is a bit large to carry around on a daily basis. Instead of an everyday planner, I'll most likely use this one as a school notebook (complete with class schedules, space for notes, and a diary dedicated to my college courses. But more on that later!) I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Have you splurged on anything new lately? Do you know what setup you'll be using for 2014? 
xo, Kait.


  1. Love it! You're going to have SO much fun writing in it when school starts! The thin washis are love!

  2. It's a gorgeous planner, wish we had KikkiK in the UK. Oh, I have that clouds and hearts washi tape too!

  3. How pretty! I love how all the colors of the washi tape, ruler, stickers, etc coordinate!

  4. Hiya... I'm a new fan of your blog. I LOVE how you use washi down the edge of the pages.. Is there an easy way to punch the holes to make sure you're not making the hole on the page itself bigger???

    1. Hi back!
      Thanks, I love using the washi down the page because it looks nice and reinforces the pages, without taking up too much room on the page. Anyway, what I generally do is just single hole punch over the hole so it just essentially repunches the hole that existed. Does that make sense? I hope it did. Let me know if I can answer any further questions or, of course, email me!
